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An autobiography poem is a poem all about yourself!  They follow a very certain format, so they look very similar in the end.  An autobiography poem is a great way to share information about yourself with the reader of your poem book.  Here is an example of an autobiography form, along with the format that we use:

Autobiography Poems



Mean, Disciplined, Hard-working, Noble


Son of Thomas and Martha


Lover of Justice, Technology, and Dogs


Who feels evil-doers should be held accountable, Gotham is full of good people, and Superman is weak


Who fears bats, heights, and bees.


Who would like to see peace, Gotham free of crime, and all kids reach their goals.


Resident of Gotham



Here is the format that we use.  Make sure to pay attention to how many spaces there are for each category.  




(First Name)

____________, ______________, ______________, ______________

(Four adjectives to describe yourself)


Son or daughter of ________________________________________


Lover of _______________, _____________, ________________


Who feels _____________, _______________, _________________


Who fears _____________, _______________, _________________


Who would like to see ________________, _________________,



Resident of ______________________________________________

(City, State)



(Last Name)

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